Who Are We?

The Studio

Life Colonics is a colon hydrotherapy studio located in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada. We offer colon hydrotherapy in a professional setting using specialized equipment (closed system & gravity method), along with disposable supplies for a hygienic practice. Our certified colon hydrotherapist explains the procedure and ensures maximum comfort throughout the session. The therapy is designed to gently remove obstructions from the colon and promote overall well-being.

the Therapist

Life Colonics is owned and operated by Rana El-rass, a colon hydrotherapist with 11-year experience in the field. Rana is certified in colon hydrotherapy, holds a bachelor in biology and a master in fertility, and is certified in detoxification, herbalism, and iridology. Through her expertise, she provides gentle and effective solutions for overall well-being. Rana hopes you would love the service as much as she loves offering it and wishes you the best on your journey to optimal health.

Get in Touch

Reach out today for a healthier tomorrow.

Life Colonics